​​ Roofing Maintenance Myths Debunked! Save Money and Extend Your Roof's Life

Keeping your roof in top shape is crucial for protecting your home from the elements.  However, a lot of misinformation swirls around roofing maintenance, leading to costly repairs and unnecessary stress. This week, we’re debunking some of the most common roofing myths to empower you to make informed decisions and extend the lifespan of your roof.

Myth #1: Spot Repairs Are a Waste of Time – Full Roof Replacement is Always Necessary

Busted! While a widespread leak or significant storm damage might necessitate a full roof replacement, smaller leaks can often be addressed through targeted repairs. Here’s how to determine the best course of action:

  • Extent of the Leak: A small, isolated leak around a vent pipe or chimney flashing can usually be repaired effectively by a qualified roofing professional.
  • Age and Condition of the Roof: If your roof is nearing the end of its expected lifespan (typically 15-20 years for asphalt shingles) and shows signs of widespread wear and tear, a full replacement might be the more cost-effective option in the long run.
  • Professional Inspection: Always schedule a professional inspection to get a qualified opinion on the extent of the damage and the most appropriate course of action. A reputable roofer will advise you on the most cost-effective solution based on the specific situation.

Myth #2: Moss is the Enemy of My Roof – It Needs to be Removed Immediately

Busted! While large patches of thick moss can trap moisture and create favorable conditions for algae growth,  a small amount of moss on your roof is not necessarily a cause for immediate concern. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Moss Type and Location: Not all moss varieties are detrimental to your roof. Fine-haired moss is less likely to cause problems compared to thick, creeping mosses. Additionally, moss growth on north-facing roof sections receives less sunlight and might pose less of a threat compared to moss on south-facing areas.
  • Roof Pitch and Drainage: Steeper roofs with good drainage are less susceptible to moisture buildup from moss compared to flat or low-sloped roofs.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Regular roof inspections and cleaning gutters can help prevent moisture buildup and minimize the risk of moss growth.

However, if you notice any of the following, it’s time to call a professional roofer to remove the moss:

  • Moss growth is lifting or curling shingles.
  • Moss is accompanied by excessive algae growth.
  • You experience leaks or water damage in your attic.

Myth #3: DIY Roof Maintenance is Easy and Saves Money

Busted!  There’s a place for DIY in homeownership, but complex roof repairs are best left to the professionals. Here’s why:

  • Safety First: Walking on a steep roof can be dangerous. Professional roofers have the proper safety equipment and training to work safely at heights.
  • Identifying Underlying Issues: A qualified roofer can not only address the immediate problem but also identify and address the underlying causes of the damage, preventing future issues.
  • Warranty Considerations: Many roofing materials come with warranties that require professional installation and maintenance to remain valid. DIY repairs might void the warranty, leaving you responsible for future repairs.

For Your Roof’s Sake: Partner with a Professional

While some basic maintenance tasks like cleaning gutters or trimming tree branches near the roof can be done yourself,  leave complex repairs and inspections to the professionals.  A qualified roofer can assess your roof’s condition, identify potential problems early on, and recommend the most appropriate course of action to keep your roof healthy and extend its lifespan.  This proactive approach can save you money in the long run and give you peace of mind knowing your home is well-protected.